Thursday, February 11, 2010

One month already?

One month ago I was finally able to meet the little monkey that had been kicking the snot out of me and it was amazing. Even more amazing is how much she's grown already! She's put on 2 pounds and grown almost 2 inches since birth. She's getting better at holding her head up on her own and acts like she wants to roll over on occasion when she's having 'tummy time'. Just picture a turtle trying to right itself and you've got it.
She's still a little spaz when it comes to controlling her arms and legs but every now and then she manages to notice her fingers or get her fist to her mouth. Whether by luck or perseverance its still cute watching her chase her own flailing hand around and finally catch it. This also means that she bonks herself in the head a few times in the process but judging by the look of surprise when it happens I'm pretty sure she hasn't made the connection that it's her own fist that popped her one.

We've logged a lot of miles in the glider, she loves the rocking motion be it the swing, glider, or an overly tired mommy or daddy swaying back and forth at four in the morning. We realized during one of her super fussy spells that sometimes when her little face breaks down to cry she resembles Lucy from I Love Lucy with that exaggerated frown and the 'wah' sound. I probably shouldn't laugh at her when she makes this little sad face but I just can't help it.
She had her first cold already, glad we got that out of the way although the nose is still a little runny. It was just so hard seeing her so miserable with a stuffy nose and really nothing I could do for her. She'd have a hard time sleeping on her back since it would make her nose worse so for a few nights she seemed to only want to sleep on my shoulder. Those were very long nights for me but she's much better now thank goodness. All in all this past month has gone about as we expected, ups and downs, good and bad, wet and dry (and poopy too).
Still hard to believe she's only been in my life for a month and at the same time it feels like the time has just crawled by. Here's a look back at the day she was born with pictures courtesy of my brother Adam.

Someone spent too much time in the tub, look at those little wrinkly feet!!

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