Sunday, October 31, 2010


For Elise's first Halloween she dressed up as a little duckie! Here she is with the little Elise sized pumpkin we picked out.

I don't understand what's going on but this orange thing is kinda cool.
Since she's one of those kids that prefers to stand over all else we took the opportunity to get some shots of her on her feet.

Just stand here a look cute? Eh, give me a minute.

Here ya go, how's this for cute?

We went over to the Irvington Halloween Festival and luckily it was a nice day for it. A little on the breezy side but it was great to get out and see all the homemade wares at the Indie Handicraft Exchange, the people and dogs in their costumes, get a taste of the ever awesome Papa Roux, and support NRG.

At the end of the day they have a costume parade where essentially everyone in a costume can walk in the parade. We stood on the side of the road waving and watching for a little bit before Elise was starting to yawn. Luckily the parade was headed in the direction of the car so we just hopped right in and took a stroll. All the people waving at us on the side had Elise's little hands going back and forth between waving and clapping. SO many cute little kids there and some pretty creative adults too (a guy with 2 little kids dressed as bees and him as a bee keeper, lol).
It was nice to have a mellow, fun holiday and we look forward to next year when she can actually walk in the parade!

Her expression is pretty priceless.

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