Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Just stand here a look cute? Eh, give me a minute.
Here ya go, how's this for cute?
We went over to the Irvington Halloween Festival and luckily it was a nice day for it. A little on the breezy side but it was great to get out and see all the homemade wares at the Indie Handicraft Exchange, the people and dogs in their costumes, get a taste of the ever awesome Papa Roux, and support NRG.
Her expression is pretty priceless.
Bouting Baby

We had a minor bout of stranger anxiety when we got there. Sad face galore but once we were there for a few minutes she was fine. We took our seats by the bench ready to cheer our girls on as the crowd filed in. These awesome headphones are by Peltor and I have a feeling a lot more derby kids will be sporting them soon since I heard several people had to leave when the noise got to be too much. As an added bonus it's way better for their ears.

Standing on Hodges' massage table ready for a rub down.
Photo by Michael Guio
The girls looked great, the bout was intense. Maine only had a roster of 10 girls but it didn't show. They were eating away any lead we managed to get, sometimes in a single jam. Elise, a true derby baby, knows how to call the jam off by hitting her hips with her hands and it was pretty funny to watch her doing this. Sure she has no concept of actual game play yet but it was still pretty dang cute when she'd do it hearing me yelling for our jammer to call it off.

Oh this bout is so close!!
Photo by Tom Klubens
The last jam was so crazy, Maine scored 19 points which would've tied it had Amooze Booche not come flying out of the penalty box to squeak out 4 points for us. Even after the final whistle the refs wanted to be extremely sure of the final score before declaring a winner. It was intense!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How to Wake a Baby

Sure, all those things are important in some way or another (ok, painting the nails not so much) and yes it can be annoying for those first few moments when I have to stop what I'm doing and go into the nursery. But as soon as I see that little face smiling up at me and she waves those chubby arms and legs in excitement all is forgiven. Come to mama.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
They're pretty short for the most part but I know watching is sometimes better than reading or looking at pictures! I'll be back for a longer post this weekend but wanted to share that link now. Enjoy the giggles, sounds, kicks and smiles!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You see, I've not really had to trim her toenails too much since she's been born. Just like adults, baby's toenails seem to grow slower than fingernails. Up till now her toenails have had this magic way of just breaking off when they get long enough to even think about trimming. That is until today. I was getting her out of her pajamas and noticed that the nail on her big toe was getting pretty long, not talon like yet, but definitely on the way. No problem right? I've trimmed her nails plenty! Yes, but when it comes to toes she now has TWO hands to grab at the clippers, and her feet, and my hands, and just wiggle in general. I think I sweat more cutting that one toenail than I did at The Lair last night during practice. Okay, maybe not that much but it was intense.
After many minutes of shaking hands, fending off small fingers, and whispered prayers I wouldn't cut her toe I managed to de-claw that foot, for now...

Figuring out new toys is serious business.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
6 months already?
Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010
She's Got Personality
-kicking her legs as fast as she can
-the toys that make the noise
-when Naptown wins a bout
-listening to people sing
-that other baby in the mirror
-Mr. Quackers and Mr. Mooyagi
-fake sneezes
-screeching and practicing her vowel sounds

-bubbleguts -catching a case of "the grumps"
-being put down for a nap when she's really really tired
-barking dogs

-airplane with Daddy
-standing up like a big girl
-blowing raspberries
-sucking on her fingers or her cinnamon sticks as Grandma calls them
-funny faces
-watching the horse (Drake) walk around

-bad calls made by refs
-getting strapped into her car seat
-Alex Trebek (possibly all Canadians)
-sun in her eyes
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Video Smiles
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
2 Months

Friday, March 12, 2010
Going for a walk

Hopefully this weather will stick around and we'll be able to retire her cute little Bear Suit she had to wear in the cold!