Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to Wake a Baby

Now everyone knows that you never, ever, ever wake a baby on purpose. Sure there are times where you are left with no choice like an appointment scheduled right in the middle of naptime but usually you just let that little one sleep until she wakes herself up. There are, however, many ways that you can wake up a baby just by doing something in particular. Babies are born with an innate sense where they can just tell that you want them to STAY ASLEEP at that particular moment and there is no way they can comply. They will wake up, even if they've only been asleep for half the time of there normal nap.
1. Sneeze-this particular loud noise is an instant baby waker
2. Take a nap-if you even think about taking a nap it's usually enough
3. Paint your nails-because it's easy to change a diaper without messing them up right?
4.Workout-as soon as you get those clothes on it sends an alert to baby's brain that you are bored and need something to do
5. Get within 10 ft of a hot meal-the guy in A Christmas Story got it right
6. Go to the bathroom- at least for this one, baby can wait
7. Take an important phone call- the chit chat ones she'll usually sleep through
8. Vacuum- duh, you say, but when she's super little she'll sleep right through it then one day it'll wake her up!
9. Shower- usually as soon as you put the shampoo in your hand that little radar goes off
10. Have adult time- nuff said
11. Mop- that hot bucket of sudsy water is just going to have to sit there for awhile
12. Transfer her from carseat to crib- no way is she going to stay asleep!

Sure, all those things are important in some way or another (ok, painting the nails not so much) and yes it can be annoying for those first few moments when I have to stop what I'm doing and go into the nursery. But as soon as I see that little face smiling up at me and she waves those chubby arms and legs in excitement all is forgiven. Come to mama.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I usually upload videos from my phone to this site:

They're pretty short for the most part but I know watching is sometimes better than reading or looking at pictures! I'll be back for a longer post this weekend but wanted to share that link now. Enjoy the giggles, sounds, kicks and smiles!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


A little known fact, when Elise was born her thumbnails were SUPER long. The rest of her fingernails were about normal for a baby I guess but those thumbs were sporting some serious talons(further proof that she's actually part velociraptor). To this day they still seem to grow twice as fast as the rest of her nails to where I find myself having to trim them up about twice a week. I'm not sure what it is about baby nails but they're a sharp as kitten teeth when she grabs a handful of skin. Ouch!!
Cutting her fingernails has become a bit like surgery. That is surgery where the patient is awake and very interested in anything you have in your hands these days. The lucky part is that I get to hold one of her hands so at least that cuts down the odds to 50/50 of losing control of the clippers. Today I ran into a new challenge. Toe nails.

You're going to do what to my toes? Gotta get 'em from me first!

You see, I've not really had to trim her toenails too much since she's been born. Just like adults, baby's toenails seem to grow slower than fingernails. Up till now her toenails have had this magic way of just breaking off when they get long enough to even think about trimming. That is until today. I was getting her out of her pajamas and noticed that the nail on her big toe was getting pretty long, not talon like yet, but definitely on the way. No problem right? I've trimmed her nails plenty! Yes, but when it comes to toes she now has TWO hands to grab at the clippers, and her feet, and my hands, and just wiggle in general. I think I sweat more cutting that one toenail than I did at The Lair last night during practice. Okay, maybe not that much but it was intense.

After many minutes of shaking hands, fending off small fingers, and whispered prayers I wouldn't cut her toe I managed to de-claw that foot, for now...

I'm a champ at sitting up now!!

Figuring out new toys is serious business.

Oh WOW! The lights! The sounds! The drool!